Summer Schools

The Institute organises a number of research-oriented Summer Schools and workshops.


IS-ENES3 Summer School on Data Science for Climate Modelling

The IS-ENES3 Summer School on Data Science for Climate Modelling will take place from 1 to 7 September 2022 on campus of NCSR Demokritos in Athens, Greece. The Summer School is organised by the IS-ENES3 consortium and aims to increase expertise and skills on theoretical and practical concepts of Data Science, building upon and mainly targeting how to accelerate scientific discovery from data.



The 1st Athens Natural Language Processing Summer School took place from 18 to 25 September 2019 on campus of NCSR Demokritos in Athens, Greece.  The Summer School is organised jointly by SKEL Lab of NCSR Demokritos,  the Athens University of Economics and Business, Research Center Athena and the Heriot-Watt University. AthNLP cooperates closely with the organisers of LxMLS.


European School of Antennas

The Wireless Communications Laboratory (WiCom Lab) of IIT organised the European School of Antennas 2019 (ESoA2019). The five day-long Postgraduate School took place from 10 to 14 June 2019 at the School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Loughborough, UK and was organised in collaboration with the Wireless Communications Research Group (WiCR) of the University of Loughborough. The School is a European geographically-distributed postgraduate school, supported by the European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), aiming to enhance European training and research in antennas and related applications.


SMARTcamp in Robotics and Digital Arts

The Integrated Systems Laboratory of IIT, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Education and Learning (Arsakeia – Tositseia Schools) host on a yearly basis the SMARTcamp,  This Summer Workshop is in the field of Information Technology and takes place in two individual weekly sections at the premises of Arsakeia Schools in Psychico. The first section targets Robotics whilst the second deals with Digital Arts and Projection Mapping techniques.


The International Research-centered Summer School (IRSS)

The International Research-centered Summer School (IRSS) has an innovative format as it is focused on research, whereby University students form small groups and work on an actual research project for a whole month. This not only teaches them valuable research skills and fosters future collaborations and networking, but also has produced a number of research papers which were published in leading international conferences and journals. In addition, the projects of the school cover a number of research topics which are of joint interest to both IIT and collaborating Universities.
During the School there were a number of lectures given by our collaborators on various cutting edge topics of research to broaden the students’ knowledge on a variety of topics.

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