On the 16th of January, SKEL Lab participated in the Kick-off Meeting of the EU-funded INFORE project that took place at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens. INFORE project kicked off during a 3-day set of meetings between involved partners ATHENA – Research and Innovation Center (coordinator), NCSR Demokritos, RapidMiner, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, The Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spring Techno, NATO Centre of Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) and MarineTraffic.
INFORE – In a nutshell
The aim of the INFORE project is to address the challenges posed by huge datasets and pave the way for real-time, interactive extreme-scale analytics and forecasting. Today, at an increasing rate, industrial and scientific institutions need to deal with massive data flows, streaming-in from a multitude of sources. For instance, maritime surveillance applications need to combine high-velocity data streams, including vessel position signals transmitted from hundreds of thousands of vessels across the world and acoustic signals of autonomous, unmanned vehicles; in the financial domain, stock price forecasting and portfolio management rely on stock tick data combined with rich, real-time information sources on various pricing indicators; at the forefront of the fight against cancer, complex simulations of multi-cellular systems are used, producing extreme-scale data streams in an effort to predict the effects of drug synergies on cancer cells, and identify personalized combinations of drugs which can ultimately increase the patients’ life expectancy. The ability to forecast, as early as possible, a good approximation to the outcome of a time-consuming and resource demanding computational task allows to quickly identify undesired outcomes and save valuable amount of time, effort and computational resources, which would otherwise be spent in vain.
The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme and spans on the period January 2019 – December 2021.
Project websitehttp://www.infore-project.eu