Next generation wireless communication systems are expected to provide reliable high data rate services in order to support Internet and multimedia applications to a rapidly growing amount of end users. Diversity reception/ transmission techniques are known to improve the system performance by appropriate combining of differently faded replicas of the same information bearing signal. In general, the more available diversity paths, the larger the potential diversity benefit. However, in designing practical communications systems for diversity rich environments (e.g., ultra-wideband (UWB) and multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) systems), the receiver’s complexity and power consumption play an important role, leading to an inevitable compromise between complexity and system performance. The importance of using low complexity diversity techniques is well-known especially in practical cost-stringent applications, e.g., for power and/or size limited mobile terminals, such as mobile handsets, where usually correlated fading is present. During the presentation, some of the most recent achievements which have been succeeded in the field of low-complexity diversity systems in the presence of correlated fading channels will be demonstrated, focusing on performance evaluation issues.
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