In order to make content management systems able to exploit annotations about content semantics for the management of content, this work proposes an approach for text interpretation that is built on the principles of logic-based abduction. The approach is presented in the context of a framework that allows for a deep-level interpretation of text. The research contributions of this work encompass
a framework for the integration of shallow-processing techniques of text with logic-based techniques to cope with the extraction of structures that describe the contents of a document in detail;
the design of a logic-based process for multimedia fusion that supports the systematic combination of interpretation results obtained from different types of media (e.g., text and image);
the description of design patterns for domain ontologies and rules useful for logic-based media interpretation;
the use of text interpretation to guide the task of ontology design (Grounded Ontology Design”) as a strategy to support knowledge management in an organization;
the design and implementation of an application that shows the advantages of using annotations to support location-aware and situation-specific services as a new kind of content management.
Talk slides in pdf [~16MB]