string(10) "newsevents"

An innovative electronic filing system which allows users to pre-search and file patents and applications for Copyright online namely eFiling platform has been created by the Internet Systematics Lab led by Dr. Yannis Corovesis.

The project was successfully completed and recently handed over to the Greek Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) to be provided as a service to the Greek and EU Public, having received several thousand applications up to now.

The first phase of the project started in June 2018 with the assignment of the design and development of an electronic repository including fee payment for copyright applications and industrial property titles. The system uses Business Process Management and Cloud technologies, implemented entirely with Open Source Software: Bonitasoft,, Alfresco, Docker and WordPress. The next phase that followed developed the initial platform further driven by the feedback of running system over the Government Cloud (G-Cloud). The project reached its final stage with life-cycle support secured for the system that digitally transformed the services provided by OBI regarding patents.

The technical manual and the open source code of the eFiling platform is available on GitHub.

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