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January 27, 2023

[VIDEO] TALK: Guest speaker V.Kordoni of Humboldt University Berlin - Is Responsible AI (still) feasible in practice?

Dr. Valia Kordoni, Deputy Chair of Computational Linguistics at the Department of English at Humboldt University Berlin visited the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications at NCSR Demokritos to give a talk titled Is Responsible AI (still) feasible in practice, on Friday 3 February 2023

The talk was held in a hybrid mode, physically at the Auditorium of INN (Building 8) and through zoom platform.

Watch the video of the talk:


About the talk: The development of AI is creating new opportunities to improve the lives of people around the world, from business to healthcare to education. It is also raising new questions about the best way to build fairness, interpretability, privacy, and security into AI systems. There has been considerable work recently in the natural language community and elsewhere on Responsible AI. Much of this work focuses on fairness and biases. But there is also a growing concern in the scientific community worldwide that the use of machine learning to maximize engagement in social media has created a Frankenstein Monster that is exploiting human weaknesses with persuasive technology, the illusory truth effect, Pavlovian conditioning, and Skinner’s intermittent variable reinforcement. In this talk, which is based on our recent work published in December 2022 in the Journal of Natural Language Engineering (JNLE): Church, K., Schoene, A., Ortega, J., Chandrasekar, R., & Kordoni, V. (2022). Emerging trends: Unfair, biased, addictive, dangerous, deadly, and insanely profitable. Natural Language Engineering, the focus will be on summarising criticisms from other fields and underlying the implications for Computer Science. We will highlight the fact that although there is quite a bit of research in Computer Science on bias and fairness, more work is needed to address the fact that AI in systems in use in everyday life may be addictive, dangerous, and deadly.

Short bio: Dr. Valia Kordoni is a Deputy Chair of Computational Linguistics at the Department of English at Humboldt University Berlin. She is an active researcher in Language Technology (LT), Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Her research interests include multilingual Robust Natural Language Analytics, Computational Semantics, Discourse and Human Cognition Modeling, as well as Machine Learning for the automated acquisition of knowledge, especially concerning multiword units and figurative language and their impact in Natural Language Processing, spoken and written. She has been the president of the ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) SIGLEX’s (Special Interest Group on Lexicon) MWE (Multiword Expressions) Group. She was the Local Chair of ACL 2016 – The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. She has coordinated and contributed to many projects funded by the EU, the DFG (Germany), the BMBF (Germany), the DAAD (Germany), as well as the NSF (USA).

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