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June 3, 2019

The Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications has a new Advisory Board

IIT’s Advisory Board 2019 – 2021


The Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications has set up its new Advisory Board, composed by five distinguished researchers in fields relevant to IIT research areas:


Timos Sellis, Swinburne University of Technology, Data Science Research Institute
Dr Timos Sellis has a significant international research reputation in big data, data analytics, data integration and spatio-temporal database systems. He is currently the Foundation Director of the Data Science Research Institute at Swinburne University of Technology. Before joining Swinburne, Timos was the Director of the Institute for Management of Information Systems and Professor at the National Technical University of Athens. He has also held the role of Director, Big Data Lab at RMIT University.


Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science
Dr Christos Faloutsos is a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He has received the Presidential Young Investigator Award by the National Science Foundation (1989), the Research Contributions Award in ICDM 2006, the SIGKDD Innovations Award (2010), the PAKDD Distinguished Contributions Award (2018). His research interests include large-scale data mining with emphasis on graphs and time sequences; anomaly detection, tensors, and fractals.


George V. Eleftheriades, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
Dr George V. Eleftheriades is a Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Nano- and Micro-Structured Electromagnetic Materials and Applications. His current research interests are in the areas of electromagnetic metamaterials, transformation optics, small antennas and components for broadband wireless communications, novel antenna beam-steering techniques, plasmonic and nanoscale optical components and fundamental electromagnetic theory.


Dimitrios Pezaros, University of Glascow, School of Computing Science
Dr Dimitrios Pezaros is Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. He is a member of the Glasgow Systems Section (GLASS) and founding director of the Networked Systems Research Laboratory at Glasgow. He is leading research in computer communications, network and service management, resilience and accountability of future virtualised networked infrastructures, exploring technologies such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).


Michalis Matthaiou, Queen’s University Belfast, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Michalis Matthaiou is Reader in Multiple-Antenna Systems at ECIT Institute, Queen’s University Belfast, U.K. after holding an Assistant Professor position at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He has also held research visiting appointments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A., Linköping University, Sweden and Southeast University, China. His research interests span signal processing for wireless communications, massive MIMO systems, hardware-constrained communications, and performance analysis of fading channels.


Advisory Board members will provide expert advice on issues related to the IIT’s strategic goals, scientific and technological priorities.

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