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From October to December 2022, Institute researcher Dr George Giannakopoulos of SKEL The AI Lab and expert at ahedd DIH, participated in various scientific conferences with talks around AI.

On October 6, at the 18th Panhellenic Conference of Psychological Research, which was organised by the Panteion University, he participated in the round table Interdisciplinarity in Cognitive Psychology: Evolving the Science and Developing Real World Applications.
The talk revolved around how artificial intelligence brings back the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between computer science and the field of psychology, how this collaboration brings pleasant and unpleasant surprises, and how – in the end – the human being remains at the epicentre of discussion.

On 2-4 November Dr George Giannakopoulos, participated in the International Conference “From Chaos to Cosmos – Innovative Communities, Places and Cities”, which was held at the Municipal Gallery of Larissa. The talk was in the framework of SESSION 4 – Platforms and Data for cities with the topic Artificial Intelligence – Personalizing and optimizing services in smart cities.

On December 3, he participated in the conference Forced Population Movements and Education and more specifically he moderated the symposium “A different forced movement: The exit from modernity“, which was organised by the University of Thessaly and took place at the University of Thessaly’s Beach Complex in Volos.

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