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The TRESSPASS project consortium successfully prepared and conducted their Interim Review Meeting online, on 12 January 2021. The meeting, which was moderated by deputy coordinator Dr Dimitris Kyriazanos, ISL included over 40 participants, including 3 external experts as reviewers and the Project Officer, Mr Bruno Chenard from European Commission’s Research Executive Agency.

TRESSPASS Interim Review Meeting

The extensive participation and commitment from end users at the review was acknowledged very positively from the reviewers, as they offered insights into the high operational value and impact of TRESSPASS. The latter was evident in interventions from Dutch and Polish Border Guards, Greek Police and Customs as well as the Piraeus Port Authority.

With presentations from the coordinator Dr Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos, ISL, the Technical Manager, Work Package Leaders and Pilot Test Leaders, the meeting covered the very challenging last 18-month period, including 40 submitted deliverables and the COVID-19 crisis mitigation plan and actions. Having read the deliverables, reviewers were able to engage during the meeting in a constructive dialogue with the consortium and provide valuable remarks and comments. As the consortium awaits the formal evaluation report it is worth mentioning at this point that the concluding remarks session indicated TRESSPASS results at this point as very successful and promising for high impact.

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