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In the context of its extended activities in Security R&D, the Integrated Systems Laboratory (ISL) of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, representing NCSRD, has joined the European Organisation for Security (EOS) in June 2015. NCSRD, as an RTO member of EOS, is contributing towards the mission and objectives of the organization through its knowhow and significant experience from a large number of EU funded security research projects. In return, NCSRD is benefiting from its participation in EOS by promoting national security interests in the future research agenda, by participating jointly with EOS in research consortia, and by interacting with key industrial, research and university players in the area of security.
EOS was created in 2007 by European private sector providers across multiple domains of security solutions and services. Its members represent all relevant sectors contributing to security economy (ICT-Information and Communication Technologies, Civil protection, Energy, Transport, Finance, Services, Research and Academia) across 13 different European Member States. NCSRD contributes to EOS work as a key player in defining and highlighting future commercial and research trends.
According to its mission statement, EOS’ main objective is the development of a “harmonised European security market” in line with political, societal and economic needs as well as the maximization of the absorption of related funds. EOS works towards achieving a better level of technology independence for European strategic autonomy, supporting the development and use of European reference solutions and growth of a genuine European industry.
EOS supports their members’ work by providing access to business opportunities by promoting at the highest level the implementation of innovative solutions in priority areas including:

Cyber Security
Border Control
Civil Protection
Urban Security
Transport Security
Security Industrial Policy

EOS provides its members with a platform of collaborative work, insightful exchange of ideas, and best practices between the European Institutions and European security industry, research centers, universities local clusters and associations.

Visit the EOS website the Integrated Systems Laboratory (ISL) website

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