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Two papers related to the MANOLO project were presented by at VECOMP 2024 VALE Track Workshop on Value Engineering in AI by IIT colleagues, Maria Dagioglou and Christos Spatharis.

The VECOMP 2024 VALE Track Workshop on Value Engineering in AI was held on October 19, 2024, at 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Maria Dagioglou presented the paper “Values-aligned, Responsible Sharing (VaRS): A Methodology and Blueprint” by Alexandros Nousias, Maria Dagioglou, and Georgios Petasis.

The paper introduces a methodology that enables licensors to reflect on their values regarding AI assets, using Schwartz’s personal values framework. It also presents a value-aligned license blueprint that incorporates licensors’ values alongside standard open licensing terms.

Furthermore, Christos Spatharis presented the paper “Human-Aware Design for Transferring Knowledge During Human-AI Co-Learning” by Dimitrios Koutrintzes, Christos Spatharis, and Maria Dagioglou at the HAII5.0 Workshop. The paper introduces an experimentation pipeline for human-aware AI design in transfer learning from expert to novice human-AI teams. It addresses “when to stop training” and “what expert knowledge to transfer,” using insights from a study with two experts, providing guidelines for future research.

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