string(10) "newsevents"

MediaNet Lab (MNL) made a presentation titled “T-NOVA: Developing a platform for NFaaS” during the 91st IETF Meeting in Hawaii, USA (November 9-14, 2014). The presentation summarises on the current status and objectives of T-NOVA EU funded project focusing on building a platform facilitating the provision of Network Functions as a Service (NFaaS). The presentation was made in the frame of the proposed IRTF Working Group nfvrg (
A more detailed follow up presentation (Dec 2014), titled “T-NOVA: A Marketplace for NFaaS”, was given during the interim nfvrg meeting in Austin, USA held in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2014. The presentation focused more in the Marketplace concept for Virtual Network Functions created by 3rd party developers and the enabling mechanisms. MNL aims in following up the efforts driven by the nfvrg in order to disseminate the T-NOVA results by contributing in future Internet-Drafts released by the group as well as in white papers and technical reports in the area of NFV and SDN.

The presentation at IEEE Globecom 2014

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