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Media Networks Laboratory (MNL) researcher Dr Harilaos Koumaras presented the lab’s actions in the 5G Network domain, at the latest issue of the Startupper Magazine, under the 5G feature story titled How the new data generation is changing business and our lives.

Dr Harilaos Koumaras pointed out that MNL is a leader in the 5G research in Europe by participating and coordinating workgroups that develop a plethora of different use-cases scenarios for 5G networks. Dr Harilaos Koumaras also referred to the three European projects of MNL – 5GENESIS, 5G!Drones, EVOLVED 5G– and concluded that 5G networks create new opportunities that through innovative business ideas and initiatives can contribute to the growth and expansion of the Information and Telecommunications sector.

Read the full feature story and download the pdf.

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