string(10) "newsevents"
September 2, 2016

NCSR Demokritos supports MdM-Greece

NCSR “Demokritos” will technologically support Doctors of the World / Médecins du Monde – Greece (MdM-Greece) ( in the 81st Thessaloniki International Fair ( on the 10-18 of September 2016.
Where: the Public Power Cooperation (PPC, “ΔΕΗ” in Greek) booth will be transformed into a modern open Polyclinic to welcome those visitors who need and want MdM-Greece’s support. Within this open Polykclinic of MdM-Greece, visitors of the 81st Thessaloniki International Fair will have the possibility to learn and use, if they wish, a number of eHealth applications being developed at NCSR “Demokritos”.
Dr. Homer Papadopoulos from IIT disseminates the event in the press.

The announcement on mdmgreece.gr related article on TVXS.gr…

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