string(10) "newsevents"

Between May and August 2012, IIT participated at the following conferences, workshops and events:

Eusipco-2012, 20th European Signal Processing Conference,, 27-31 August 2012, Bucharest, Romania
ECAI 2012, 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,, 27-31 August 2012, Montpellier, France
‘Samos Summit on Open Data and Interoperability for Governance, Industry and Society’,, 2-4 July, Samos, Greece
DEBS 2012, 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems,, 16-20 July 2012, Berlin, Germany
Workshop ONTOSE 2012@CAISE 2012 ( in the context of the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 26 June 2012, Gdansk, Poland
Intersocial Workshop on Online Social Networks:Challenges and Perspectives (IWOSN) (, June 15, 2012, Achaia Beach Hotel, Patras, Greece
SETN 2012, 7th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence,, 28-31 May 2012, Lamia, Greece
ESWC 2012, 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012,, 27-31 May 2012, Heraklion-Crete, Greece
5th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, PETRA 2012,, 6-8 June 2012, Crete Island, Greece
6th International Summer School on Emerging Technologies in Biomedicine “BIOINFORMATICS & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY APPROACHES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS,, 1-6 July 2012, Patras, Greece
LREC 2012, 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ,, 23-25 May, Istanbul, Turkey
Sentiment Analysis Symposium, 7-8 May 2012, New York, USA

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