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On Friday March 22, the SAINT consortium organised the second workshop that was held in the premises of the coordinator of the project, NCSR “Demokritos”, in Athens. The highly successful workshop welcomed a significant number of notable speakers and organisations initiating the dialogue about the cybersecurity status in Europe, issues and recommendations. More than 30 people attended this only-by-invitation workshop.
The first session of presentation was opened by the keynote speakers Mr. Konstantinos Papapanagiotiou from the Open Web Application Security project (OWASP) pointing out some interesting features on cybersecurity assessment tools. Following, consortium members of the SAINT project, John Bothos from NCSRD, Jart Armin from CYBE and Vasileios Vlachos from CTI presented the outcomes of the SAINT project regarding the economic research on factors influencing the firms when taking decisions on cybersecurity strategies, regarding the metrics and indicators on cybersecurity that were examined and analysed during the project.
During the second session SAINT workshop focused on the Cybersecurity in Greece and how major organisations face the issues that come into sight. Mr. Leandros Maglaras from the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media gave a presentation on the cybersecurity strategy the Greek Government has implemented. Mr. Dimitrios Mitropoulos from the Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET) spoke about the need and how-to secure the operations and services in Greek education & research networks. Hellenic Cyber Defence Directorate was represented by Mr. Athanasios Grigoriadis and George Pouraimis who introduced to the audience the work of the organization and its objectives in relation to cybersecurity.
The workshop had a third session where speeches from cybersecurity professionals coming from other countries of Europe shared their insights and facts on cybersecurity models, methodologies and approaches. Mr. Marco Barros Lourenco from the European Union Agency of Network & Information System Security (ENISA) and Mrs. Heidi Kivekäs from the Finish Transport & Communication Agency (TRAFICOM).
Closing the presentations of the day Mr. Athanasios Kosmopoulos from the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media talked about the Cyber-Attacks in a hybrid operations system.
The Society and the economy are constantly changing and the business models transform. It is highly recommended to keep raising the awareness of the wide audience regarding the cybersecurity and safety issues in order new regulations to be applied. Following successful cases such as the Finnish model in dealing with the cyber threats position Finland to the bottom of lists about countries that face the most cyberattacks & cybercrime incidents.
Workshop announcement:…
Visit the post-workshop article on the Saint project website:

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