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On Friday 21 February 2020, SKEL participated in the conference Quo Vadis AI – Law, Economy and Society Facing the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence.

The conference was co-organised by the Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology, that has been established by the European Public Law Organization and Boussias Communications. Experts on law, digital ethics and artificial intelligence exchanged views with market players and representatives of policy makers in Greece and Europe.

Researcher Dr. George Giannakopoulos, SKEL, participated in the panel discussion Designing the Future of Artificial Intelligence: Political and Institutional Framework,  along with the keynote speaker Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Minister of Digital Governance and co-panelists  Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment body (STOA), Giannis Syrros, General Manager SEPE, Board Member Digital Europe, Vice President WITSA, Zsuzsanna Mátrai, Corporate Affairs Director, Corporate, External & Legal Affairs, Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe and Michalis KassimiotisManaging Director, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Hellas & Cyprus. The panel was coordinated by Lilian Mitrou, President of the Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology, Professor at the University of Aegean, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering.

The panel focused on the relationship between regulation and ethics, between humans and machines and discussed the support of human activities and decision making through artificial intelligence as well.

The presentation Co-design the future of AI by Dr. George Giannakopoulos is attached and available here.

Relevant announcement on NetWeek.

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