The establishment of the first Institute of Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology in Greece, which is being created at NCSR Demokritos, was recently announced by the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments | Research, Innovation and Technology, Mr Christos Dimas.
As the Deputy Minister pointed out, with the operation of the Institute of Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology at NCSR Demokritos, the aim is to place Research in the centre of cutting-edge sectors and apply Research in an expanded range of industry sectors such as Energy, Telecommunications, Shipping, Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology and Finance, a development which is already happening abroad.
The new Institute for Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology is expected to develop algorithms, software and experimental devices, for the exploitation of quantum phenomena, as well as for quantum simulations, telecommunications, cryptography, metrology and sensors.
The aim of establishing this new Institute is also to create interdisciplinary research programs with disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data Science. Additionally participation in postgraduate programs in Quantum Science and Computing can be achieved, as well as the design and conduct of special training programs for Public Administration and Business executives that will contribute to the creation of “quantum” skills. The activities of the new Institute will have a direct positive impact on the national economy, digital competitiveness, national defense, and in general, on the prestige of the country internationally.
Dr Georgios Nounesis, Director and Chairman of the Board at NSCR Demokritos, stated: The establishment of the Institute of Quantum Computing & Quantum Technology in NCSR-D is a historic moment for the Centre. It marks its rapid development towards emerging, disruptive technologies, that will bring enormous benefits to Greek society and contribute to the competitiveness of the national economy. As a Centre of Excellence, the new Institute will be a pole of attraction for talented, internationally renowned Greek scientists who will contribute to the readiness of our country for the new quantum technological revolution.