string(10) "newsevents"
January 29, 2013

Tutorial: "Bootstrapping ontology evolution: a generic approach relying on ontology-based information extraction"

The tutorial was presented by Dr. Karkaletsis and Dr. Petasis, at ICTAI 2012, the IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, held between November 7-9, 2012, in Athens, Greece.
This tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the research area of ontology evolution. After a short introduction to the problem of ontology evolution and the presentation of the current state of the art, the tutorial presents in detail the ontology learning approach that has been developed in the context of the BOEMIE EU-funded research project (
The tutorial presents an ontology-based information extraction system and how this system is exploited to learn an ontology in a synergetic, semi-automated approach, employing bootstrapping.
Finally, the tutorial concludes with the state of the art in ontology evaluation, and evaluation results of the described approach on the thematic domain of athletics.

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