string(10) "newsevents"
September 17, 2013

Tutorial co-organization in the context of ICDAR 2013

  • February 17, 2025 till February 17, 2025

The Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL) co-organized a tutorial titled “Performance Evaluation in Document Image Analysis”, in the context of the 2013 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.
About the Tutorial
“Performance Evaluation in Document Image Analysis”
Apostolos Antonacopoulos, Basilis Gatos, Stefan Pletschacher
Performance evaluation, based on objective measures and representative datasets, is crucial to making real progress in any field. In Document Image Analysis, a field with many different practical applications, there is a large number of methods proposed but it is not clear, faced with a particular type of document, which method is more applicable or how an existing method can be improved to be better suited to a given application. This tutorial will cover the key issues in performance evaluation in the most widely researched but, at the same time, more difficult to assess areas of Document Image Analysis. All aspects of performance evaluation will be examined, from collecting a representative sample to ground truthing to defining evaluation metrics and scenarios to interpreting the results. Participants will be given copies of software tools and will be guided through example ground truthing and evaluation workflows.

The tutorial webpage at icdar2013.org

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