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The newly started VAST project (Values Across Space and Time), which is coordinated by SKEL Lab, participated in the first cluster meeting of the sibling projects which were funded by the European Union under the same call DT TRANSFORMATIONS-12: Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation.

The workshop which took place virtually on Wednesday 10 February was headed by Project Officers from DG Connect and DG REA brought all sibling projects together for the first time aiming for an initial exchange of ideas to explore collaboration opportunities.  Projects VAST INTAVIA, MINGEI, ODEUROPA, POLIFONIA, VHH presented themselves aiming to achieve a better understanding of each project’s objectives, activities to enhance visibility, synergies so as to achieve higher impact and gain better results.

Capture from the first cluster meeting of the sibling projects under the DT TRANSFORMATIONS-12 topic.


More specifically, the six projects presented their profiles and provided more information regarding their goals throughout their term and at the same time they highlighted their commonalities and identified common ground for future collaborations between them.


Capture from the presentation of VAST project coordinator Dr. Petasis.


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