In the context of a 12-episode documentary TV series named The Network, – a Greek TV show focusing on the Internet – two researchers from the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications participated with interviews. Dr Yannis Corovesis, researcher and former Director of ISLab | Internet Systematics Lab and Dr George Giannakopoulos, researcher at SKEL | The AI Lab and founding member of the non-profit organisation SciFY.
More specifically, Dr Corovesis presented the ARIADNE network and its history, in episode 9 that aired on TV on Sunday 12 January 2022, titled The history of the Internet in Greece (from 5.55 min).
Dr Giannakopoulos was interviewed in regards to Artificial Intelligence, in episode 12 that aired on TV on Sunday 6 February 2022.titled The Future (from 3.45 min).
Both of the episodes were broadcast on the National Television, ERT2, and are also available online, through ERTFLIX service.
The two presenters of the series, a comedian, Ira Katsouda and a presenter and YouTuber, Spyros Margaritis, get to meet personalities who stand out in this new internet reality -academics, teenagers, parents and ordinary users- and transfer all the experiences during their journey to this magical and relatively new world, the Network.