string(10) "newsevents"
March 23, 2022

Workshop on 5G Networks Programmability in the context of EVOLVED-5G project | MNL

The Media Networks Laboratory, IIT and the Metropolitan College co-organised a two-day online workshop 5G Networks Programmability: New Opportunities and Perspectives in the context of the European Research Programme EVOLVED-5G  on 21 and 22 March 2022. The workshop was highly successful, attracting more than 400 registrants. The participants were students of the Department of Informatics, from all campuses across Greece of the Metropolitan College.

On the first day, tenured researcher Dr Harilaos Koumaras of the Media Networks Laboratory (MNL) introduced the 5G System to the participants while MNL researchers Dimitris Fragkos and Anastasios Gogos, presented the 5G Programmability and APIs Exposure. George Makropoulos presented the NetApp Concept, its design and implementation principles in the context of the European H2020 research programme EVOLVED-5G, which focuses on 5th generation (5G) mobile networks and their innovations.

Dr Harilaos Koumaras introduced the 5G System to the attendees


Dimitrios Fragkos presented the 5G Programmability & APIs Exposure







On the second day, invited speakers presented the EVOLVED-5G Ecosystem and Community, while three demonstration sessions took place.

Through the two-day presentations, student participants had the opportunity to understand and explore the new opportunities and perspectives that arise in the field of 5G networks.

The Agenda is available here.

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