Researcher Michalis Vafopoulos from SKEL Lab presented the EU-funded project “Your Data Stories” (YDS) in various events around Greece during March-April 2016.
29-30 March: YDS project presented at Smart Cities – Digital Citizens with the title “Open Data: Development of a New Infrastructure” Athens Novotel Hotel, Athens, Greece (
8-10 April: YDS project presented at the DiploHack Athens event: Opening up the black box of Europe with the title “Economic open data: experiences, applications and a vision” Orange Grove organised by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Athens, Athens, Greece. (…)
13 April 2016: YDS project presented at the IT4Gov Awards ceremony (a competition organised by Greek Ministries) at Megaron Athens Concert Hall, Athens, Greece (…)
16-17 April 2016: YDS project presented during the 9th #FOSSCOMM2016 (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) on the premises of University of Piraeus in Attica, Greece. “A complete web design workflow using exclusively open source tools” (…)
Visit the IT4Gov awards ceremony’s page the Diplohack Athens event’s page the YDS project website