NCSR role in the project, is to contribute to the creation of Distance Learning Platform for Empowering Women. NCSR will shoot a lesson video under the name of Basic Entrepreneurship For Women. The video will also present up to 10 inspiring female entrepreneurs in Greece and Turkey that will share their stories of how they overcame barriers and took their businesses to the next level and will provide the best advice to Women that wish to become Entrepreneurs. NCSR will also lead and coordinate the organization of Short Term Joint Staff Event for COLIBRIWOMEN.
Both electronic means and face to face training will be employed to support the participating learners: COLIBRIWOMEN Ambassadors, i.e. staff members of partner organisations, will be trained in the provision of assistance to economically and socially disadvantaged women. Through training, participants will be able to mobilise, introduce to employment, and improve the social life of women who are trying to sustain their economic life and are supporting their family financially.