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1287 result(s)

, Diagnostic strategies for carpal tunnel syndrome, In 6th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Medical Decision Making, Torino, Italy, June 16-18, volume 65, .

and , Integrated analysis and use of remotely sensed data for the seismic risk assessment of the southwest Peloponessus Greece, In First Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, (Pages: 23–27), .

Data Communications and their Performance, Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP WG6.3 Conference on Performance of Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, 1995, (Serge Fdida, Raif O. Onvural, eds.), Chapman & Hall, volume 36, .

, and , Image segmentation and linear feature identification using rectangular block decomposition, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, volume 1, (Pages: 183–186), .

and , Determination of run-length smoothing values for document segmentation, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, volume 2, (Pages: 684–687), .

, Information Extraction from Texts, In 1st Symposium of the Hellenic Association of Artificial Intelligence (SETN) 1996, (Pages: 20), .

, Exploiting an AI-based Approach in Multilingual Software Industry, In Workshop on Multilinguality in Software Industry: The AI Contribution (MULSAIC) 1996 in conjuction with the ECAI 1996, Budapest, Hungary, August 12-13, .

, On line Generation of Messages: A Knowledge-based Approach, In Workshop on Multilinguality in Software Industry: The AI Contribution (MULSAIC) 1996 in conjuction with the ECAI 1996, Budapest, Hungary, August 12-13, .

and , Land use Classification using intelligent Systems, In Conference in Remote Sensing and Applications (Athens, Greece), .

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