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and , Skew detection of digitized documents using cross-correlation, In Proc. 5th Int. Conf. On Advances in Communication & Control-Telecommunications/Signal Processing in the Multimedia Era, COMCON, volume 5, (Pages: 124–130), .

, On the Development of an OCR System, In ISIE'95: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Athens, Greece, Athenaeum Inter-Continental Hotel, July 10-14, 1995: Co-sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society...[et Al.]., (Pages: 205), .

and , A sensor driven robot arm for playing chess, In 5th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (Athens, Greece, 7-9 December 1995), volume I, (Pages: 471-480), .

and , Tracking of cardiac boundaries in ultrasonic images using neural network techniques, In 3rd European Conference on Engineering and Medicine (Florence, Italy, April 1995), .

and , Correcting for ray refraction in ultrasound transmission computed tomography using ray tracing, In 3rd European Conference on Engineering and Medicine (Florence, Italy, April 1995), .

and , Processing of multispectral satellite data using neural networks, In 4th Panhellenic Geographical Conference (Athens, Greece, 12-14 October 1995), (Pages: 617-625), .

, and , How to modify Kohonen's self-organising feature maps for an efficient digital parallel implementation, In Fourth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Cambridge, UK, 26-28 June 1995), (Pages: 86 - 91), . [doi]

and , Connection Admission Control and Adaptive Shaping for the ABR Service, In BRAVE Workshop on "ATM hot topics on Traffic and Performance: from RACE to ACTS", Italtel-Settimo Milanese, Italy, .

, and , A closed-form expression for the effective rate of On/Off traffic streams and its usage in basic ATM traffic control problems, In Proc. International Teletraffic Seminar on New Telecommunication Services for Developing Networks, St. Petersburg, (Pages: 423–430), .

, and , Optimal serial distributed decision fusion, In Multisensor integration and fusion for intelligent machines and systems, (Pages: 647–671), .

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