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1287 result(s)

and , Design and experimental validation of a robust CFAR distributed multifrequency radar data fusion system [2484-85], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 83–83), .

, and , Fuzzy logic information fusion for object recognition [2493-25], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 218–218), .

, and , Feature estimation and object extraction using Markov random field modeling, In Automatic Object Recognition V, volume 2485, (Pages: 44–53), .

and , A framework for developing temporal databases, In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Pages: 236–245), .

, A Knowledge-based Approach for Organising Terminological Data and Generating Messages in Software Applications, In Workshop Language Engineering on the Information Highway, Santorini, Greece, September 26-30, .

and , Land-use classification of satellite images using artificial neural network techniques, In Proceedings of International Colloquium on Integration, Automation and Intelligence in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS-Third International Colloquium of LIESMARS (Wuhan, PR China, (Pages: 368–377), .

and , An efficient constrained learning algorithm for optimal linear separability of the internal representations, In Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'94), volume 1, (Pages: 285–289), .

, , , , , and , A robot hand-eye coordination system for 3-D object recognition using novel neural networks trained with multiview moments, In Proceedings EURISCON94. European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference, volume 3, (Pages: 1692), .

, Software Localisation and the GLOSSASOFT project, In Τhe LISA Forum, Heidelberg, Germany, April 21-22, .

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