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1287 result(s)

, Effects of intersensor correlation on data fusion, In Substance Identification Analytics, volume 2093, (Pages: 524–534), .

, Data fusion system design and adaptive control [2232-06], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 56–56), .

and , Clustering with unsupervised neural networks with applications to data fusion, In Substance Identification Analytics, volume 2093, (Pages: 621–632), .

, , , and , Predetection fusion for enhanced surveillance, In Substance Identification Analytics, volume 2093, (Pages: 512–522), .

, , , , , , and , Substance Identification Analytics, In Substance Identification Analytics, volume 2093, .

and , Novel control of an inverted pendulum, In Proceedings of 1994 American Control Conference-ACC'94, volume 2, (Pages: 2185–2189), .

and , Models for position entry in the stock market using artificial intelligence techniques, In International Symposium on Economic Modelling (Piraeus, Greece, 2-5 June 1993), .

, Predetection fusion with feedback and projection [2093-56], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 500–500), .

and , Multiresolution fusion of FLIR and ladar data for target detection with JDEF [2059-50], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 305–305), .

, , and , High Resolution Model Order Selection and Parameter Estimation Using JDEF (Joint Detection/Estimation Filter), In Proceedings. The First IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace Control Systems,, (Pages: 554–558), .

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