Thomopoulos, SCA and Reisman, JG, Fusion-based, high-volume automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS)[2093-66], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 584–584), 1993.
Thomopoulos, SCA, Effects of intersensor correlation on data fusion [2093-58], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 524–524), 1993.
Thomopoulos, SCA, Okello, NN, Kadar, I and Lovas, LA, Design of a multisensor data fusion system for target detection [1955-01], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 2–2), 1993.
THOMOPOULOS, SCA, Clustering with unsupervised neural networks with applications to data fusion. SPIE's Proceedings on Sensor Fusion and System Integration (Innsbruck, Austria), In International Symposium on Substance Identification Technologies, volume 2093, 1993.
Thomopoulos, SCA, Hilands, Thomas W and Chen, BH, Applications of joint detection/estimation filter to data fusion, In Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference-SMC, volume 3, (Pages: 678–683), 1993.
Reger, Michele D and Thomopoulos, SCA, High Resolution Target Range Estimation in the Presence of Multipath Using JDEF, In Proceedings. The First IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace Control Systems,, (Pages: 27–31), 1993.
Papadakis, INM and Thomopoulos, SCA, Improved Performance Adaptive Control Under Standard Mrac Assumptions, In Proceedings. The First IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace Control Systems,, (Pages: 37–41), 1993.
Okello, NN and Thomopoulos, SCA, Design of data fusion system for multiradar target detection, In Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference-SMC, volume 3, (Pages: 672–677), 1993.
Kadar, I, Thomopoulos, SCA, Llinas, J and Alford, MG, Predection fusion for enhanced surveillance [2093-57], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 512–512), 1993.
Hilands, TW and Thomopoulos, SCA, Nonlinear Adaptive Detection/Estimation for Multi-Radar Target Detection, In PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE, volume 1, (Pages: 171–171), 1993.