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1287 result(s)

and , An Efficient Descriptor of the Multiplexing Attributes of Traffic Streams, In 4th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control, Rhodes Greece, .

and , Stochastic fluid models for a buffer loaded by Markov modulated traffic with near complete decomposability characteristics, In Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 Task Force/WG6. 4 Fifth International Conference on Data Communication Systems and their Performance: High Speed Networks and Their Performance, (Pages: 363–397), .

and , Target Detection and Localization from Bearing-Only and Bearing/Range Measurements, In Proceedings. The First IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace Control Systems,, (Pages: 549–553), .

and , Comparative study of self-organizing neural networks in signal detection and classification, In Proceedings. The First IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace Control Systems,, (Pages: 539–543), .

and , Clustering with unsupervised learning neural networks: a comparative study [1965-20], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 346–346), .

and , Robust predetection data fusion for enhanced target detection [2093-59], In PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (Pages: 535–535), .

and , Nonlinear adaptive detection/estimation for single and multiple radar processing, In MILCOM 92 Conference Record, (Pages: 1076–1080), .

and , Joint detection/estimation for modal order selection in Gaussian and nonGaussian noise, In MILCOM 92 Conference Record, (Pages: 613–617), .

and , Dignet: a self-organizing neural network for automatic pattern recognition, classification, and data fusion, In Sensor fusion IV: control paradigms and data structures, volume 1611, (Pages: 478–495), .

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