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, , and , Centralized and distributed hypothesis testing with structured adaptive networks and perceptron-type neural networks, In Sensor Fusion IV: Control Paradigms and Data Structures, volume 1611, (Pages: 35–51), .

, and , Visual pattern recognition using morphological methods, In [Proceedings] ICASSP-92: 1992 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, volume 2, (Pages: 405–408), .

and , Modified output error method with parameter mismatch compensation for improved performance model reference adaptive control, In [1992] Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (Pages: 3249–3254), .

and , Nonlinear filtering methods for harmonic retrieval, In MILCOM 92 Conference Record, (Pages: 1081–1085), .

and , Artificial intelligence models for portfolio trading: An integrated approach, In 3rd International Congress of the Economical Society of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1992), .

and , Artificial neural networks: A new application of information technology in stock market analysis, In 3rd International Congress of the Economical Society of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1992), .

and , A neural network for estimating the parameters of multiple sinusoids, In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 7-11 June 1992, volume 2, (Pages: 1005 - 1010), . [doi]

, , , , and , A conformance test system for DECT physical layer, In [1992 Proceedings] The Third IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (Pages: 357–361), .

, , , and , Development of a conformance test system for ERMES receivers, In [1992 Proceedings] The Third IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (Pages: 660–664), .

and , Fast analysis of on-off heterogeneous traffic multiplexing with fluid-flow models and its applications to ATM, In Proc. of the 2nd Race Workshop on traffic and performance aspects in IBCN, .

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