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1279 result(s)

, Reducing Oversmoothing in Graph Neural Networks by Changing the Activation Function, In ECAI 2023 - 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 30 - October 4, 2023, Krak'ow, Poland - Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023) (Gal K., Nowé A., Nalepa G., Fairstein R., Radulescu R., ed.), IOS Press, volume 372, (Pages: 1231–1238), . [pdf] [doi]

, Overview of BioASQ 2023: The Eleventh BioASQ Challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering, In Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction - 14th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18-21, 2023, Proceedings (Arampatzis A., Kanoulas E., Tsikrika T., Vrochidis S., Giachanou A., Li D., Aliannejadi M., Vlachos M., Faggioli G., Ferro N., ed.), Springer, volume 14163, (Pages: 227–250), . [pdf] [doi]

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