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2240 result(s)

, RASS: A ReActive Scheduling System based on the TGS kernel, (Pages: 523–533), .

, and , A Simple Stability Test for 2-D Systems, In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, volume 37, (Pages: 972 - 974), . [doi]

, , and , Use of synchronous code division multiple access techniques with short coding sequences in the development of a local communication network, In International Journal of Electronics Theoretical and Experimental, Taylor & Francis, volume 68, (Pages: 939–956), .

and , Neural network implementation of the shortest path algorithm for traffic routing in communication networks, In International 1989 Joint Conference on Neural Networks, (Pages: 591–vol), .

, and , Optimal distributed decision fusion, In IEEE Transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, IEEE, volume 25, (Pages: 761–765), .

, and , IRODESS: Integrated robot design and simulation system, In IEEE Control Systems Society Workshop on Computer-Aided Control System Design, (Pages: 117–122), .

and , Effects of Saturating Nonlinearities on the Stability of Reduced order Adaptive Systems in the Presence of Parasitics: Regulation and Tracking, In 1989 American Control Conference, (Pages: 1873–1878), .

and , A methodology for conceptual representation of knowledge using attribute grammars, In Angewandte Informatik, volume 31, (Pages: 287–293), .

and , Interactive Fuzzy Scheduling Using the Time Graph System TGS, In Proceedings of the AAAI SIGMAN Workshop on Manufacturing Scheduling, IJCAI-89 Conference, Detroit IL, .

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