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, and , Voice encryption in multichannel Paths, In The Radio and Electronics Engineer, volume 52, (Pages: 235–238), .

and , A Selection of Papers from INFO II, the Second International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, University of Patras, Greece, July 9-14, 1979: Advances in communications, Springer, volume 1, .

, and , New technique for channel synchronisation in time division multiplexing, In Electronics Letters, IET, volume 16, (Pages: 944–945), .

, and , Planning through the TRLi temporal reasoning system, In WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, WIT Press, volume 10, .

, , , , , , , , , and , Group: handwriting-recognition-library 3515 articles, In Journal of the American Statistical Association, volume 58, (Pages: 234–244), .

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