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114 result(s)

, , and , A Coordinated Multiuser Relaying Technique through Interference Precoding at the Base Station, In IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE, volume 17, (Pages: 1176–1179), .

, , , , , and , Patch antenna on YIG substrate with enhanced bandwidth and polarization characteristics, In 2012 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC), (Pages: 1–4), .

, , , , , and , Design of a polarisation reconfigurable patch antenna using ferrimagnetic materials, In IET microwaves, antennas & propagation, IET Digital Library, volume 6, (Pages: 158–164), .

, , and , Simple, accurate formula for the average bit error probability of multiple-input multiple-output free-space optical links over negative exponential turbulence channels, In Optics letters, Optical Society of America, volume 37, (Pages: 3243–3245), .

, , and , Moments-based analysis of dual-hop amplify-and-forward relaying communications systems over generalised fading channels, In IET communications, IET Digital Library, volume 6, (Pages: 2040–2047), .

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