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272 result(s)

, Using Open Information Extraction and Linked Open Data towards Ontology Enrichment and Alignment, In International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2012, 5th International Workshop on Ontology, Models Conceptualization and Epistemology in Social, Artificial and Natural Systems (ONTOSE) 2012, Gdansk, Poland, June 25-26, (Pages: 117–122), . [url] [doi]

, Supporting tele-health and AI-based clinical decision making with sensor data fusion and semantic interpretation: The USEFIL case study, In 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and NetMedicine in conjuction with ECAI 2012, Montpellier, France, August 27, (Pages: 21), . [url]

, Big AIS Data Processing for Environmentally Safe Shipping, In Workshop on Progress in Movement Analysis: Experiences with Real Data, Zurich, Switzerland, November 15-16, .

, Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art, Chapter in Knowledge-Driven Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution - Bridging the Semantic Gap, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6050, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, (Pages: 134–166), . [url] [doi]

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