string(10) "newsevents"
  • February 17, 2025 till February 17, 2025
  • Prague, Czech Republic

Dr. C. Spyropoulos from the Software and Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (SKEL) co-organized with Dr. S. Perantonis from the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL) and Dr Aldo Dragoni the “3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine – AI-AM/NetMed 2014”, which took place in Prague on the 18 of August 2014 in the context of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014).
Workshop description
Taking into account that the current medical systems are unsustainable as the rate of senior society members to the active employees is increasing and the curve of required medicine cost for the last 10 years of people’s life is more than the corresponding medical cost used for the rest of their life, it is worth to try to give answers to the question “how can we be proactive rather than post-active in order to early detect, make diseases prognosis and give the right assistive medical support on time?”
This is a big challenge for AI technology in combination with robotics, the internet, the sensor networks technology and the new smart devices. The one day (1) workshop examines AI research work or specific case studies and discusses their implication to the current state of the art and the future improvements that concern the following, but not limited, thematic areas:
– Ubiquitous real-time assistive healthcare
– Ambient assisted living
– Wearable and/or unobtrusive smart healthcare systems
– Multi-Agent architectures for patient monitoring and early diagnosis
– Events recognition from medical data
– Fusion and interpretation of multimodal medical data and events
– Medical ontology modeling and evolution
– Semantically diagnosis modeling
– Reasoning with the uncertainty of medical data/knowledge
– Mining on medical data/knowledge
– Patient centric and evidence based decision support systems
– Serious games for disease diagnosis
– Intelligent visualisation of medical data
– Healthcare tele-robots services

AI-AM / NetMed website 2014 website

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