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A new European project namely CREXDATA – Critical Action Planning over Extreme-Scale Data kicked off on 10 and 11 January 2023 in Athens, Greece at NCSR Demokritos’s premises. During the two-day meeting, European Commission Project Officer Beatrice Plazzotta, welcomed partners via Zoom while the 15 partners presented their role in the project.


CREXDATA – Critical Action Planning over Extreme-Scale Data is an Horizon project that aims to develop a generic platform for real-time critical situation management, which will include flexible action planning and agile decision making on extreme-scale and complexity streaming data. SKEL – The AI Lab holding an important role as it will develop the forecasting, learning and scalability tools for analytics and distributed ML that are specific to the CREXDATA use cases.


CREXDATA will be evaluated on three challenging use cases where real-time critical action planning and timely decision making are of utmost importance:
i) maritime domain, ii) weather emergency management, iii) health crisis management.

The partnership consists of 15 partners from six countries: Coordinator Polytechneio Kritis (Greece), National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (Greece), Paderborn University (Germany), RapidMiner (Germany), MarineTraffic (Greece), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Germany), National Research Council (Italy), Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions (Spain), Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrum (Germany), Stadt Dortmund (Germany), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland), Disaster Competence Network Austria (Austria) and Ministry of the Interior (Finland). 

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