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May 19, 2016

ISL participation in SPIE Congress

  • February 14, 2025 till February 14, 2025

In the context of SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Congress 2016 that took place in Baltimore, USA , April 17-22, 2016, and for the 25th continuous year, Dr. Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos has served as a member of the Program Committee for the “Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXV” Conference. In this year SPIE DSS Congress, the Integrated Systems Laboratory showed a strong presence by presenting and publishing 8 papers in Security, Navigation, Crowd Simulation, and other areas that ISL specializes on. Dr. Thomopoulos presented the papers in different and stimulated the interest of the audience about the research and development carried out at ISL. The Director of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications and Director of Research of ISL, Dr. Thomopoulos, was delighted by the receptiveness and interaction of the participants, and stimulated further discussions on the work that was presented in the papers that ISL has contributed to the Conference. The papers, whose titles are listed below, will appear in the Proceedings of SPIE in a couple of months:
– “Factors influencing crime rates: an econometric analysis approach”
– “PYRONES: Pyro-modeling and evacuation simulation system”
– “WayGoo: a platform for geolocating and managing indoor and outdoor spaces”
– “iCrowd: agent-based behavior modeling and crowd simulator ”
– “OCULUS fire: a control and command system for fire management with crowd sourcing and social media interconnectivity”
– “FlySec: a risk-based airport security management system based on security as a service concept”
– “WayGoo recommender system: personalized recommendations for events scheduling, based on static and real-time information”
– “SYNAISTHISI: an IoT-powered smart visitor management and cognitive recommendation system”
See the complete list of the ISL publications
Furthermore, and in the context of SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Congress 2016, Dr. Thomopoulos participated as invited panelist in the PANEL DISCUSSION on “Cyber Physical Systems Challenges with Information Fusion.” His intervention was entitled “Cyber Physical (C-P) Systems Challenges with Information Fusion: Modeling – Programming – Ethics & Privacy.” The intervention will appear in the Proceedings of SPIE DSS 2016.

Visit the website of SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Congress 2016–commercial-sensing

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