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Markellou Marina

210 650 3148

Dr. Marina Markellou is an Intellectual Property Law Attorney, admitted to practice in 2003. She has worked in France and Greece in various positions regarding the interpretation and application of intellectual property law, data protection, databases, telecommunications, privacy law and ethics. After accomplishing a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property (LLM) on September 2005 in Montpellier of France, she was offered a scholarship by the Greek State to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the field of Copyright law (University of Montpellier/University of Athens-high distinction). Three years later, she was offered a post-doctoral grant from the University of Poitiers, where she conducted for 6 months her post-doc research project on “ Re-evaluating the art practice of Appropriation in Europe and in US: legal, art historical and sociological issues ”, at the laboratory of CeCOJI under the supervision of Marie Cornu. A common denominator characterizing her academic and professional career so far has been a tireless desire to do many things in parallel in order to better satisfy her need to work in a multicultural, multilingual and interdisciplinary environment. Since 2010 she is an Adj. Lecturer at various public Universities in Greece and in Cyprus. She is also a Research Associate at the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos where she contributes in many HORIZON 2020 Projects as an external Ethics advisor (FLY-SEC, TRESSPASS, MARINE-EO, Focus-Locus) or as an Ethics Work Package Leader (CIVILNEXT). Member of the Ethics and Deontology Committee of NCSR DEMOKRITOS, member of the CECOJI-CNRS of France, of the Greek ALAI group and of the French Association Open Law, she often participates as legal expert in many European programs (EUROMED 2017, iED 2017, CIHA conference 2012, ICIL conferences 2018, 2011, 2010, 2009, COUNTER workshop project 2009/IDABC project 2008). She speaks English, French and Spanish.

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