string(8) "projects"


November 1, 2024 - December 31, 2026

NCSR budget: 55,049€

The KIDSWELL proposal uses the integration of technological learning approaches (VR) for children with ADHD, to ensure the acquisition of the key competences related to personal, social and learning to learn skills. Evidence suggests that educators require support, not only for children with SEN, but also with the use of emerging technologies. The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) emphasizes that key competencies for educators include digital skills and gaining access to digital resources, which are also depicted in the newly Digital Educational Plan by the EC 2021-2027. Children with disabilities are viewed as needing special placement and pedagogy, which runs counter to the philosophy of inclusive education. This is especially true for children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, which has become increasingly common. Moreover, the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030 emphasizes the digital transformation and the need to identify the digital skills required for applying assistive technology in special needs education. Therefore, the need to educate and improve the digital competences of educators is unavoidably increasing, as the incorporation of technological-oriented tools in the field of education, is surpassing the involvement of traditional methodologies when educating children with ADHD (European Agency, 2022).

The KIDSWELL project envisions to support children with ADHD, ensure their integration into their school and larger community, by advancing their personal, social and learning to learn competences, through adequate training to them, but also to their parents and school teachers. The project aims to:

  • Support teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions that work with ADHD children in mainstream and specialized schools by strengthening their profiles, through a validated course.
  • Upgrade the teaching and learning opportunities provided for ADHD children in order to meet their personal, social and learning to learn competences, skills, attitudes and knowledge.
  • Empower ADHD primary school children to improve personal, social, and learning to learn competencies, build resilience against difficulties such as anxiety, depression, stress, and aggression, and promote diversity and inclusion in education.
  • Encourage collaboration and synergies between teachers, parents, and ADHD children to create an inclusive learning environment.
  • Promote digital transformation in schools with a custom VR game, an ADHD Audit Tool for symptom assessment, and individualized plans for parents.
  • Support parents, as close collaborators of schools and contributors towards the learning process of their ADHD children.
  • Develop holistic approaches to promote human rights, acceptance, respect, and equality among all children, while preventing negative issues like bullying, isolation, marginalization, and early school failure.

In addition to the project objectives, among the results, the proposal aims to create a Tool Kit to introduce a holistic approach to promote Key Competence 5 among primary school students (age 8-12) with ADHD, to enhance their wellbeing, learning ability, communication, and integration in school. Inclusion, diversity and digitalization will be achieved through the:

  • Provision of a validated through micro-credentials in-service professional development training to support SEN or primary school teachers thus upgrading their capacity to support ADHD children either in mainstream or/and specialized schools, as well as enrich their digital skills and teaching methodologies.
  • Development of a custom-made VR Game to be used for learning, teaching and assessment purposes in order to support the acquisition of personal, social and learning to learn skills and address digital transformation through a gamification process which is more challenging, engaging and motivating.
  • Organization of a series of interactive and participatory workshops for parents to boost their ability to support their children to deal with psychological, personal and social challenges.
  • Development of an online ADHD Audit e-Tool which will provide both educators and parents, with the opportunity to initially record-assess the child’s current personal and social status while providing an individualised action plan with proposed actions to take based on its needs.

The project is coordinated by P1: N.C.S.R. “Demokritos” in collaboration with:

P2: Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego W Warszawie (Poland)

P3: Σύνδεσμος Στήριξης για Άτομα με Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής με / Χωρίς Υπερκινητικότητα – ADHD Cyprus – ΔΕΠΥ Κύπρου (Cyprus)

P4: Periferiaki Diefthinsi Protovathmias Kai Defterovathmias Ekpaidefsis Kritis (Greece)

P5: Emphasys Centre (Cyprus)

P6: Agrupamento de Escolas José Estevão (Portugal)

  • EC
  • Coordinator
  • 250,000 €
  • 55,049 €
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