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253 result(s)

and , An intelligent tool for building e-learning contend-material using natural language in digital libraries., In WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, volume 1, (Pages: 1197–1205), .

and , E-government application for supporting a network of distributed public administration units., In WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Citeseer, volume 3, (Pages: 3336–3340), .

, , and , Measurement, modelling and simulation of videoconference traffic from VBR video encoders, In Second International Working Conference, HET-NETs, volume 4, .

and , Inversion of a Laplace transform with applications from the study of the structure of material to the flowof Internet communications., In WSEAS Transactions on Systems, volume 3, (Pages: 3341–3344), .

, , , and , Intelligent tools in business to business training, In Proceedings of International conference on New Horizons in Industry and Education, Santorini, Greece, August, volume 28, (Pages: 29), .

, , and , Automatic stereoscopic video object-based watermarking using qualified significant wavelet trees, In 2002 Digest of Technical Papers. International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE Cat. No.02CH37300), volume , (Pages: 188-189), . [doi]

, and , An automatic process for the reliable and secure creation and distribution of quantum keys, In National Patent No, volume 1003891, .

and , Bandwidth and buffer allocation in a multiservice environment, a priority case, In Proceedings. Electrotechnical Conference Integrating Research, Industry and Education in Energy and Communication Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, (Pages: 586-589), . [doi]

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