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71 result(s)

, , , , , , and , Interaction between GSM handset helical antenna and user's head: Theoretical analysis and experimental results, In Environmentalist, Kluwer Academic Publishers, volume 25, (Pages: 215–221), .

, , , , , and , Mobile Handset Radiation Efficiency as a Function of the Antenna Position Relative to the Human Head, In Proc. 8th WSEAS Int. Multiconf. CSCC, .

, , , , , and , Dependance of the EM power absorbed in the head of a mobile phone user on the phone-head distance, In Proc. of International Symposium on Electromag. Theory, .

, , , , , , and , Accurate measurements and modeling of interaction between the human head and the mobile handset, In Proc. of 7th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC, .

, , and , Time critical parameters for beamforming in software radios, In Recent advances in computer science electrical and computer engineering Series, (Pages: 30–6), .

, , and , Software Defined Radio Implementation aspects related to the ADC performance, In Proceedings of the 6th International Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, (Pages: 3231–3239), .

, , , , and , Low EMF Interaction Antennas In Cellular Communication Systems, In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Greece, Rhodes, (Pages: 334–343), .

, , and , Analog to Digital Converter: a Key Concept in the Implementation of a 3G Software Defined Radio Receiver, In Proceedings of the IST Mobile & Wireless Telecommunications Summit, (Pages: 416–422), .

, , , , , and , Accurate modeling and measurements of a mobile handset EM radiation, In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Biol. Effects of Electromag. Fields, (Pages: 251–259), .

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