Georgios Giannakopoulos, Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher at the SKEL lab of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”, participated in the 12th Youth Conference with the general theme “Artificial intelligence“, which presented the latest developments regarding Artificial Intelligence and raised the concerns arising from its utilisation.
The Conference, organised by the Youth Office of the Holy Metropolis of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki, was held on Monday, February 12, 2024, at the Amphitheater of the Saronic Town Hall.
The Conference was based on two main thematic axes:
1) The latest developments in Artificial Intelligence
(a) The amazing possibilities offered by TN but also the concerns of the scientific community
(b) How is humanity reflected in the systems we build as humans are behind the entire lifecycle of AI systems
(c) How we can all contribute to shaping artificial intelligence that works for us.
2) Bioethical dilemmas and theological reflections on Artificial Intelligence
(a) How society’s morality is formed: it is endangered by the rapid development of technology
(b) What are the bioethical dilemmas that can arise from the use of TN – what is the position of orthodox theology?
(c) How can we also develop healthy criteria in order to shape the corresponding ethos that will not be recklessly influenced by technological developments.
The invited speakers of the Conference were personalities from the field of Science in the Fields of Artificial Intelligence and Bioethics:
– Georgios Giannakopoulos, Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher at the SKEL lab of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”, Co-Founder and CEO of SciFY.
– Metropolitan of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki Mr. Nikolaos, Dr Biomedical Technology (HST), MA Astrophysics (Harvard), MS Mechanical Engineering (MIT), Dr. of Bioethics (AUTH), President of the Bioethics Committee of the Church of Greece.
– Konstantinos Kornarakis, Professor at the UOA Department of Theology, Vice-President of the Theology Department, President of the Supervisory Board of Ecclesiastical Education of the General Secretariat of Religious Affairs of YPAITH, regular member of the Synodal Bioethics Committee of the Church of Greece, of the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita (Pontifical Bioethics Committee), the Bioethics Committee of the European Council of Churches, the National Ethics Committee of the E.O.F., the Bioethics Committee of the Greek Pasteur Institute and the Ethics and Ethics Committee of the E.K.P.A. He is a trainer of the Foundation for Pastoral Training.