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As the European Erasmus+ project MeLDE – Media Literacy in the Digitalised Era: Supporting Teachers Through a Whole-School Approach is reaching its end, Net Media Lab organised and implemented training activities, with the aim of testing the project’s educational material. Additionally, the Lab created products for a group of Secondary Education teachers to help them familiarize with the notion of media literacy and its value during the 21st century. It is considered crucial to know about digital tools for online education, online communication and collaboration and online safety, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most of the educational activities are being held online.

The training activities of the MeLDE project, were held online and were divided in three sessions with the participation of 25 teachers in total. During the sessions, apart from a general presentation of the MeLDE project and its products, the participants were trained on the use of the MeLDE e-Platform and its functions and they were especially taught about the material of the e-Safety module of the project.

The 5th Transnational Project Meeting

Net Media Lab participated also in the 5th Transnational Meeting of the MeLDE – Media Literacy in the Digitalised Era: Supporting Teachers Through a Whole-School Approach project, which took place online on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 July 2021.

The meeting provided a good opportunity for the consortium to discuss about the last Intellectual Output of the project, the MeLDE TOOLKIT, which gives the opportunity to other organisations to implement an upskilling training programme through the MeLDE e-PLATFORM and to assess their acquired digital skills and competencies.

The project is coordinated by the University of Wolverhampton (UK) and the rest of the partners are: Emphasys Centre (Cyprus), NCSR Demokritos (Greece), Antenna Ltd (Cyprus) and Bürgerhaus Bennohaus (Germany).

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