Mrs Areti Katsamagkou, of the eHealth Unit at CIL, IIT presented the online training platform Later Life Training portal for Physiotherapist Training at the 5th Conference MoodleMoot Greece 2021, which was held virtually on 26 and 27 November 2021.
The platform has been developed in the context of the EC funded project Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination (ProFouND) and the researchers have identified the design principles of an efficient and acceptable digital training platform for Physiotherapists. Therefore, researchers designed the LLT eleanring service trying to provide the necessary content to support the continuous training of Physiotherapists not only in Europe but Globally.
The elearning service (moodle platform) and the scientific support with new technologies and applications has been provided by Syndesis LTD, a team of multidisciplinary researchers coming from the ehealth and knowledge management unit that is dedicated in high-quality research and development in the areas of digital health and elearning knowledge management.
Find here more information about the platform, the presentation and the video excerpt from the conference.