Continuing the informative talks open to the public, organised by SKEL | The AI Lab, we welcomed our visiting speaker, Mr Moysis Symeonides, PhD candidate at the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, on 27 June 2022, at 12.00, with the talk: An emulation framework for IoT, Fog, and Edge Applications.
Watch the video of the talk here:
The talk took place in hybrid mode, physically on the premises of NCSR Demokritos, at IIT Lecture Room and via zoom.
About the talk: In this talk, we will present an emulation framework that eases the modeling, deployment, and large-scale experimentation of fog and 5G testbeds. The framework provides a toolset to (i) model complex fog topologies comprised of heterogeneous resources, network capabilities, and QoS criteria; (ii) abstractions for physical 5G infrastructure concepts such as radio units, edge servers, mobile nodes, user equipment, and node trajectories; (iii) deploy the modeled configuration and services using popular containerised descriptions to a cloud or
local environment; (iv) experiment, measure and evaluate the deployment by injecting faults, adapting the configuration at runtime, real-time updates of the radio network (i.e., signal strength) and respective network QoS to test different “what-if” scenarios that reveal the limitations of service before introduced to the public. The framework has been used for studying the performance of Intelligent transportation services, Industrial IoT micro-service applications, geo-distributed deployments of big data engines, and many more. Finally, this work has
received the best paper award at IEEE IoTDi 2022 conference and the best demo award at IEEE/ACM SEC 2020 conference.
Short Bio: Moysis Symeonides is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, under the supervision of Dr. George Pallis and Dr. Marios D. Dikaiakos. He holds an M.Sc. in Information Systems from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics from the University of Thessaly. His research interests include Edge and Fog Computing, 5G deployments, and distributed processing with a particular focus on emulation, benchmarking, and performance evaluation. He has professional
experience as a researcher and software engineer in EU and National research projects. His work has been published in IEEE/ACM journals and conferences such as ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2022, ACM/IEEE SEC 2020, IEEE IC2E 2019, IEEE/ACM UCC 2018, etc.