Six new research projects have started for IIT during January and February of 2021; four of them had their kick-off meetings in January and February and two were officially launched.
During a two-day kick off meeting on 21 & 22 January, the EU H2020 project AI4Copernicus: Reinforcing the AI4EU Platform by Advancing Earth Observation Intelligence, Innovation and Adoption initiated work. The project of 11 partners, is coordinated by Dr Vangelis Karkaletsis, SKEL | The AI lab aiming to reinforce the AI on-demand platform AI4EU for users of Copernicus data (Europe’s Earth Observation Programme) such as scientists, SMEs, non-tech sector to develop useful, on-demand Earth-observation AI solutions to a number of technological, economic/business, and societal challenges and domains. The technological integration will enable innovative use-cases and small-scale experiments to be funded via an open-calls mechanism.
The Net Media Lab & Mind kicked off the Erasmus+ project 3D2ACT: Fostering Industry 4.0 And 3D Technologies Through Social Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Programme for a Sustainable Future on 14 & 15 January. Dr Athanasios Drigas leads the partnership, consisting of seven partners from Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus and the Netherlands. The partners discussed the main objectives and aims of the project, analysed further the upcoming activities and agreed on the next steps.
The Media Networks Laboratory participates in the H2020 project Evolved 5G: Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond on 20 & 21 January. The large partnership, which consists of 21 partners, set the guidelines of the project and discussed its pilots and use cases. The attraction of this grant is a successful collaboration between two of the Institute’s Labs: MNL and ISL. Dr Harilaos Koumaras, MNL is the scientific responsible and technical manager of the project whilst Associate Researcher Dr Dimitris Kyriazanos, ISL contributed to cybersecurity aspects of the proposal (code auditing, automated validation and training).
Dr Homer Papadopoulos, Computational Intelligence Laboratory launched two projects in January; the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks project Health CASCADE – Evidence-based co-creation methodology for closing the implementation gap between knowledge and action in health promotion, and the Erasmus+ project Colibri Women: Second Chance For Colibri Birds: Empowering and Increasing Capabilities Of Women. In the first project, the ehealth unit will develop, experiment and validate open-source disruptive technologies, platforms and tools to enable Big data, AI and knowledge management techniques to facilitate evidence-based co-creation services in Health Cascade use cases. The second project will contribute to the creation of a distance learning platform to inspire female entrepreneurs in Greece and Turkey to overcome barriers and take their businesses to the next level.
On February 3rd, 2021, the kick off meeting of the Erasmus+ project STEAM4ALL: Supporting the Digital Inclusion of All Students Through an Inter-disciplinary Programme for a Sustainable Future was held online. Dr Athanasios Drigas, NML & Mind is the scientific responsible for the project and was among the representatives of all seven partners from Germany, Italy, Greece, Netherlands and Cyprus who discussed the objectives of the project and the upcoming steps and activities.
New projects coming soon
Two new Horizon 2020 European research projects have been announced and are scheduled to start within 2021 following the Institute’s successful path of attracting funds.
In October, the Integrated Systems Laboratory with scientific responsible Dr Dimitris Kyriazanos will launch the EU H2020 project popAI: A European Positive Sum Approach towards AI tools in support of Law Enforcement and safeguarding privacy and fundamental rights. The core vision of pop AI is to foster trust in AI for the security domain via increased awareness, ongoing social engagement, consolidating distinct spheres of knowledge (including theoretical & empirical knowledge by academics & non-academics) and offering a unified European view across LEAs, and specialised knowledge outputs (recommendations, roadmaps, etc), while creating an ecosystem that will form the structural basis for a sustainable and inclusive European AI hub for Law Enforcement. pop AI is a result of (i) exemplary cross-group collaboration between researchers from IIT’s ISL and the SKEL The AI lab and (ii) excellent cross-disciplinary work between a group of thirteen partners from 8 countries (GR, IE, ES, IT, BE, NL, DE, SK), bringing together security practitioners, AI scientists, ethics and privacy researchers, civil society organisations as well as social sciences and humanities experts.
A synergy between SKEL The AI lab and the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN) has come to fruition as the EU H2020 project ML-MULTIMEM: Machine Learning-aided Multiscale Modelling Framework for Polymer Membranes was selected to run from 2021-2023 and received a grant under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme.